Curriculum vitae


  • 2020 - presentLead Software EngineerDeno Land Inc4 years Technical lead for Deno Deploy product. Development on JSR (JavaScript Registry), and member of the JSR board. Engineering on the open source Deno project. Built the Fresh web framework. Work in web standards bodies as chair of TC55 (WinterTC) at ECMA, delegate of TC39 (committee that designs the JavaScript language), and contributions to WHATWG and W3C specs.
  • 2019Software Engineering Internsoft2tec GmbH3 months Introduced new version control scheme and more CI workflows. Also worked on in-house iOS apps using Flutter.
  • 2017 - 2020Web Developerfreelance3 years HTML + CSS + JS websites / webapps for various clients. Various backend services using Go and Node.js on GCP. Specialized on fast websites.


  • Highly proficient in Rust, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, HTML, and CSS. Experience with Dart, Java, and C++.
  • Experienced in web development, systems programming, networking, and cloud computing. Significant experience with React, Preact, TailwindCSS, Deno, Node.js, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, Open Telemetry, and Grafana.
  • Intimately familiar with the web platform and JavaScript runtimes. I have implemented much of the APIs specified in various WHATWG specifications, and am a delegate at TC39.
  • Capable of architecting and implementing scalable and performant web services.
  • Significant experience in managing and maintaining large open source projects. I am a core team member of the Deno project which has over 1000 contributors and over 13200 commits. We work through an average of 220 pull requests and 150 new issues a month.


  • Deno - a modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • JSR - a modern package registry for JavaScript and TypeScript.
  • Fresh - a web framework for building very fast websites with great developer experience.
luca casonato

Luca Casonato

Software person. @deno_land core team. @jsr-io project lead. Fresh builder. @tc39 delegate. he/him 🏳️‍🌈 🌍 🌻 💚